It's not bad enough he wants to eliminate smoking references in old movies and censor them in new ones ... California is chock full of fundamentalist health mullahs like him so that's nothing to get alarmed about.
Now he says Mel Gibson should 'come clean' about his anti-Semitism, namely in making The Passion Of The Christ.Yes, he thinks the movie is anti-Semitic because ... wait for it, wait for it ... it shows the Jews allowing Jesus to be put to death. Now, I will forgive Rob if he didn't understand the New Testament, being Jewish and all, but you'd think a guy who went to Beverly Hills High School would have learned to read a little better - and he has to have gotten at least a glimmer about the death of Jesus from somewhere.
"It's not a matter of just apologizing for some words you've said," said Reiner, who is Jewish. "It's to really understand why it is you're anti-Semitic and where those feelings came from."
See, this is what drives me crazy about Rob Reiner and the people just like him. It's the same stance he takes on smokers ( and I am not one ), Republicans and most anyone else not Rob Reiner. It's not enough if you apologize, it's not enough that you change your ways ... you have to satisfy him that you have repented properly and show him you have seen his guiding light. And consistency is no object, like when he says girls under 18 should be able to get abortions without parental consent. I don't think anyone under age 18 should be able to get a
cavity filled in a tooth without parental consent but I am not a big fat dummy in Hollywood.
Soooo ... girls buying cigarettes under age 18 ( or ever ) = bad, but girls getting abortions under age 18 ( and without parental consent ) = good. Way to care about society, Rob.
I am firing up a cigar and voting for Bush in 2008 as of right now. No way am I taking crap from a guy whose only fame comes from playing a character named "Meathead."