Gwyneth Paltrow Insures Her Kid Will Get Beat Up
As if she needed any more assurance after making Chris Martin the boy's father. Obviously as soon as it's discovered that the dad in that family is the guy from Coldplay
you can bet helpful bigger kids will rob the young lad of his dignity and his pants.
But that's the future. How did she insure he will get beat up right now? She named him Moses! That's right, an old school Biblical name, and just in time for Easter. What did Moses have to do with Easter, you ask? Not a damn thing. But I am betting Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't know that.
But that's the future. How did she insure he will get beat up right now? She named him Moses! That's right, an old school Biblical name, and just in time for Easter. What did Moses have to do with Easter, you ask? Not a damn thing. But I am betting Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't know that.