Dixie Chicks ... Or ... That Little Fat One That Won't Shut Up

I don't know about any of you but I am sick of defending the Dixie Chicks and their right to free speech. I don't give a crap what some idiot's take on politics is any more than I care what GW Bush thinks about goth music. Her latest dumb f%$k statement about the President is the last straw for me. I am never buying one of their CDs again.
Okay, to be honest, I have never bought one of their CDs anyway but that's only because I don't want my ears to bleed. Maybe I will buy one now ... on Ebay ... just so I can piss on it.
I will, however, buy something from SheDaisy. Because they are hotter and they understand that insulting the President and, by association, America, doesn't sell well with country fans. I am betting Cindy Sheehan still won't buy any of their music.

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